Administration taught Principles of Accounting, a course identical to that taught to freshman
B.A. students, and Prof. Record taught the Principles of Electronics at the local high school to
any townspeople who wished to enroll in either of them, and to derive college credit for their
successful completion.
New Faculty
. Fourteen new faculty members were hired to take care of the largest enrollment
in the history of the college: 236 first-term freshmen, 186 second-term freshmen, 147
sophomores, 62 juniors, 28 seniors, and three special students, totaling 662. Among the new
faculty members were Charles Clarridge '30, former Lt. Cdr. in the US Navy, hired as an
assistant professor of civil engineering; James Parmele '34, as instructor in chemistry; and
William Sawyer, former instructor in English and history; Fred Lyon '42, as instructor in
mechanical engineering; W. Nye Smith '43, as instructor of business administration; and
George Maclean '42, as instructor in mechanical engineering. Smith remained on the faculty
until his retirement in 1986, and George Maclean remained to teach in the mechanical
engineering department, to assume its chairmanship in 1958, to be appointed as Alcoa Professor
of Mechanical Engineering in 1967, and then to move into Clarkson's Development Office from
which he retired in 1985. (See 1942)
Sigma Delta Flagpole
. Dedicated to members of the fraternity who gave their lives in World
War II, the 27-foot flagpole erected on the terrace in front of Sigma Delta's Prospect Place
house was constructed with a cross arm from which fly the Clarkson colors and the Sigma
Delta banner of green and white, with the American flag waving above. A bronze plaque
installed at its base contains the names of all these fallen alumni. Ross Hudson, Jr., was in
charge of this project.
. Football and hockey resumed after their suspension during the war. Clarkson
scheduled only a four-game football season because the first term ended in the latter part of
October, and the intermission between semesters was disadvantageous to any team attempting
to play a longer schedule. Its opponents were Rochester (home), Norwich (home), St. Lawrence
(away), and Alfred (away).
Alumnus Magazine Award
. At the 31st National Conference of the American Alumni Council
held in Amherst, Mass., on June 11-14, the
magazine received an Award of Merit for
"Outstanding Editorial Achievement in Publication of an Alumni Magazine." The "Tech
Sportlight" won first prize in that category in competition with the magazines of other
American and Canadian engineering and scientific schools. In the competition for masthead
awards, the
received honorable mention.
Faculty Prank
. On January 22, 1948, Profs. Burrell and Beeler of Clarkson were the guest
speakers for the AIChE meeting on the Malone campus. As Prof. Burrell lectured on rubber,
covering the subject from the raw material to the finished product, he demonstrated how to
make his own product as he progressed through his talk. He then turned to Prof. Beeler and
bestowed on him some glorious credentials, including a stint as an instructor at Heidelberg
University, as he introduced him as the guest lecturer.