The 25th amendment became effective, setting procedures on presidential disability and
succession. "Expo '67" opened in Montreal and set a record of over 50 million admissions.
President Johnson and Soviet Premier Kosygin met for a face-to-face talk in Glassboro, N.J.
Thurgood Marshall became the first African-American Supreme Court justice. June 5 to 10
marked the six-day Arab-Israeli war. Dr. Christian Barnard performed the first human heart
transplant in Capetown, South Africa. More than 200,000 people marched in New York City
against the Vietnam War. Flash fire inside a space capsule in Florida killed Apollo astronauts
Grissom, White, and Chaffee. Green Bay defeated Kansas City in the first Super Bowl, 35-10.
Richard Speck was condemned to death for murdering eight nurses in Chicago. Paul Wilson
pole-vaulted to a world record 17 feet eight inches. Jim Ryun ran a mile in a record 3:51.1.
Singer Gerry Dorsey changed his name to Engelbert Humperdinck. The first microwave oven
was sold.
• On the Hill
• Headstart Christmas
• Graham Inaugurated
• Carnival Royalty
• Hill Residence Named
• Alcoa Professor
• Fraternity News
• New Dormitory Planned
• Enrollment
• New Positions
• Academic Freedom
• Housing Triples
• Faculty Senate
• Faculty-Dorm Associates
• Crosstown Soccer
• Anti-Vietnam War Rally
• Hodge Retired
• Hospital Infirmary
• Lowe Became Dean
• Department Chairman Policy
• Special Programs
• Junk Exhibit
• Perkins' Award
• Phillips Struck Out
On the Hill.
In February, President Graham announced that all future building construction for
Clarkson would be on the hill, the first for academic purposes to be the proposed $6 million
Arts and Sciences Center. It was to be erected on the crest of the hill southwest of Moore
House. Construction of this Science Center began in the summer of 1966, was completed the
fall of the following year, and was open for occupancy for the fall semester of 1969.
The building itself consists of three stories, with four auditoria capable of seating 700
students, and a partial basement for equipment storage. Calling for 18 general classrooms, 36
instructional laboratories, 96 faculty offices, and $90,000 worth of scientific equipment, this
building was prompted by a federal grant for $1.5 million from the US Higher Education
Facilities Fund Act. That grant, the largest in Clarkson history at the time, was recommended to
the federal government by the New York State Board of Regents.
Graham Inaugurated.
John W. Graham, Jr., became Clarkson's 11th president with his formal
inauguration on June 3, and the following day, the College awarded degrees to 330 bachelor's,
81 master's, and four PhDs.