The new Pacific cable was opened by President Roosevelt. A Packard automobile made
the first coast-to-coast trip in 52 days. On December17, the Wright Brothers flew the first
successful flight of a heavier-than-air machine for 59 seconds, travelling 852 feet. Both
baseball Leagues signed a Joint Code of Playing Rules on March 6. Six months later the Boston
team agreed to meet the National League leaders, Pittsburgh, in a post-season series of games
beginning October 1 for the world championship. Boston won this first best-of-nine games
World Series in eight games on October 14. Honus Wagner of the Pirates struck out to end the
Series. Photographed in a Lakawanna freight yard in Paterson, N.J., a 12-minute epic called
The Great Train Robbery
became the first suspenseful movie..
Clionian Society
Rules and Regulations
St. Lawrence Rivalry
Clinonian Society.
Founded in March 1903, this society was composed only of young
women majoring in Home Economics. Its work was along literary lines with special
reference to subjects in Economics. It survived until Domestic Science was discontinued at
Clarkson in 1907.
Rules and Regulations.
College Bulletin
listed the following rules and regulations for
students to follow:
REGISTRATION. In all cases this must conform to the sequence of required work as
indicated by the prerequisites of each course. No student will be allowed to register for
more than 20 semester hours except by special permission of the Faculty.
ATTENDANCE AND CHAPEL. Regular attendance on school exercises, including
chapel services, is expected of all students.
REPORTS. Reports of standings of all students are made to the Faculty at the middle
and close of each semester. Copies of all reports are sent to each student’s parent or guardian,
except the mid-semester reports of standing of juniors and seniors.
Smoking is prohibited in the buildings and grounds of this School.
ORDER. Good order and gentlemanly deportment are required as a condition of
Howard Smith ’16 described in a letter written in 1963 the graduation ceremonies
of his sister, Hattie M. Smith.
On June 19, 1903, at the age of nine, I attended Clarkson Commencement to see my sister, Hattie M. Smith, receive
her diploma. The Commencement was held on the third floor of “Old Main” which was one big room, and was used as the
chapel. The day was very hot, and I can well remember being very uncomfortable sticking to the seats.