Ithaca, Alfred, and SLU (twice). Guard Gerry Navarro scored 219 points for the season and
center Jack Phillips 156.
Sit-up Record.
While in the Navy V-12 unit at Union College in October, Hank Carlson '46
performed the outstanding feat of doing 2,000 sit-ups in one session. Forty minutes after dinner,
he sat down to begin what seemed like an impossible chore. Seated on a mattress, covered with
several towels, and with his towel-wrapped legs propped under the rungs of a chair, Hank
began. One hour and 40 minutes later, he completed this incredible physical feat. In the Navy
fitness tests, 205 sit-ups was a "perfect" score and 70 was the average at Union.
An inexperienced Clarkson hockey team ended the 1942-43 season with a mediocre
record. Splitting opening games with Massena High School, Clarkson went on to lose to Yale
0-14, to lose the first St. Lawrence game 9-12 before defeating Hamilton 4-3, losing to Colgate
4-10 and 6-12 before finally defeating the Larries 5-2. Only two lettermen returned to the squad
in the fall.
Tuition and Other Fees.
The annual tuition for all students was $288. Additionally, every
student had to pay a $15 athletic fee, a $2 fee for the student newspaper, and a $1 Student
Assembly fee each semester, bringing the annual total cost to $324. In addition, a $5
matriculation was charged to all entering students and a graduation fee of $10 charged to all
candidates for a degree.
Because the tuition was based on the fee of $8 per credit hour, a student's bill was
adjusted accordingly if he was enrolled for more or less than the regularly scheduled 18 hours.
With living expenses added, the yearly total for everything, including room, board, laundry, and
incidentals, ranged from $624 to $774, depending on the variations in room/board, books, and
Pete Dwyer.
After 13 years service to Clarkson, Pete Dwyer resigned as football coach. He said
that due to wartime restrictions on sports, he felt that he was not earning his salary here, and
that a change in climate probably would aid his ailing wife.
He had graduated from Notre Dame and was a varsity letter man on its 1911-13 teams.
From there he went to Malden, Mass., giving a start to its championship football teams. From
Malden, he coached at Niagara University for six successful years, and then in 1929 as a line
coach at Syracuse, before coming to Clarkson as director of athletics in 1930.
In his early years in Potsdam, he coached basketball, baseball, and football, but later
turned over basketball and baseball to Hank Hodge, to concentrate his efforts on football and
the management of the entire athletic program. Many Clarkson fans believe that he was largely
responsible for the hockey arena, as well as the high caliber of all the teams that represent
Normal Name.
The Normal School changed its name to Potsdam State Teachers College, and
in its auditorium on May 10, Clarkson held its Commencement for 104 graduates.
Taking place in August instead of September, the annual freshman-sophomore
pushball contest on Snell Field resulted in sophomore victory 4-1. Umpired by Board of
Governor's President Hank Przybylowski, the sophs scored first during the 10-minute first