period. Then the soph's alternate team took the field but were pushed back by the frosh who
scored their only tally. In retaliation, the sophs were well toward their second goal when the
period ended. After a five-minute intermission, the entire freshman and sophomore classes
again took to the field, but once again the sophs showed their ability when they scored three
Soph Hats.
After winning the freshman-sophomore tug-of-war in mid-August, the sophomores
were allowed to remove their hats after 6 p.m. That victory, however, did not remove any other
sophomore traditions which remained in place until Moving-Up Day. Proudly, the sophs
remembered that theirs was one of the few Clarkson sophomore classes ever to win both the
tug-of-war and the pushball contests.
Coach Hodge's team ran up a 19-1 record during the spring and summer baseball
season. As a team, they averaged =.292 in hitting and =.928 on the field. They had 83 hits for
119 bases in 284 trips to the plate, made only 23 errors, totalled 71 runs for an average of eight
per game, and executed 10 double plays, three of them in the second of three games against the
Beech Grove team from Utica at the Lowville County Fair. Jack Phillips starred as Hodge's
New Alma Mater?
At an early January meeting, the Board of Governors decided that Tech's
"Alma Mater" was no longer any good. They claimed that only a few Tech men knew the song
and therefore gave scant support at sports events when the band plays the song.
The Board decided that to obtain a new one song, a contest should be run, and the
person submitting the best song (music and lyric) should receive a prize of $25. The Board of
Governors was to be the judges. No winner ever was announced nor replacement song offered.
War and the Faculty.
The US Office of Education released the war toll figures on college
faculties. It stated that 8,000 left campuses in the past year for the armed services, government,
war industry, or other fields.
Faculties shrank by about five percent, with numbers of men teachers dropping by 7.5
percent. Replacements increased the number of women teachers by 1.3 percent. Stirred by this
exodus, some schools boosted salaries and retained staff members beyond retirement age. Close
to 100 schools abolished such non-teaching functions as research and supervision of student