A Clarkson Mosaic - page 254

Hydrogen bomb test explosions exceeded all estimates of its power. The Salk anti-polio
inoculation of school children began. Enders and Peebles perfected a vaccine against measles.
President Eisenhower signed the St. Lawrence Seaway Bill. The Supreme Court made its
landmark decision banning public school segregation as unconstitutional. TV sets in America
numbered 29 million receiving programs telecast from 360 TV stations. The American GNP for
1953 reached $365 billion. IBM announced development of an "electronic brain" capable of 10
million calculations in an hour. Bannister broke the four-minute mile. Boeing displayed the
prototype 707 airplane. Packard merged with Studebaker Motor Car Company.
Peter Pan
starred Mary Martin in New York. A gold-colored Chevrolet sport coupe with 600 gold-plated
parts became GMs 50 millionth car.
South Pacific
ended its Broadway run of four and a half
years. Hemingway won the Nobel Prize for Literature. Oxford published Toynbee's four-volume
A Study of History.
•Ice Carnival • Jack Hantz
• "Andy" Hamlin • McHugh, Dean
• Prof. Ray Powers • No Overnights
• Industrial Distribution • Basketball Record
• Hecker Retired • Missing Students
• Snell Hall •
• Registration • Hockey Hat Tricks
• Campus Activities
Ice Carnival.
In "Pedatec's Frosty Follies" of 1954, Alpha Delta, DK, and Sigma Delta won
statue honors and stunt night competition. Bob Chouinard and Lois Jennings were King and
Queen of the '54 Carnival.
"Andy" Hamlin.
Professor of Mathematics, Truman Leigh "Andy" Hamlin joined Clarkson's
staff in 1919 from Union College in Schenectady, N.Y. He had been born in Sweden, Me., in
1874 of English parentage, which he teasingly said accounted for the fact that he had to have
most jokes explained to him. He worked his way through Western Reserve University in
Cleveland, Oh., by mowing lawns and clerking, and then as a janitor for the school during the
school years. Despite the time required for work and study, he still found time for such extra-
curricular activities as debating, camera club, wrestling, track, and tennis until he earned his BA
degree in 1899.
He taught Latin in South Carolina for two years before going to the University of
Missouri as a Teaching Fellow in Mathematics for two years to earn his MA degree in 1902.
Then, for seven years he taught mathematics and was superintendent of a Missouri military
academy before beginning his eight-year stay at the University of Maine. He served as
chairman of Clarkson's mathematics department from 1921 until 1949; he retired in 1956.
Clarkson bestowed an honorary degree of Doctor of Science on him in 1936, and in 1954
named one wing of its first dormitory on the hill in his honor. He died in 1966.
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