New Faculty.
Among the new faculty joining Clarkson in the fall were Professors Don
Rasmussen and Sandra Harris in ChE, Levon Minnetyan in CEE, James Svoboda and Robert
Schilling in ECE, and Erol Sancaktar in MIE.
AEPi Honored.
At the Alpha Epsilon Pi National Convention in the summer, Clarkson's
Kappa Gamma chapter was singled out as the winner of the fraternity's Louis Sherr Memorial
Outstanding Chapter Award. Each of the chapters competed for this recognition of the greatest
degree of excellence in overall chapter activity. Included in consideration for this award were
scholastic achievement, rushing and pledging, community service, and other facets of fraternity
Clarkson's chapter stood in the top half of all fraternities in both academics and
athletics, and strongly in its commitment to community service. It placed first in the United
Fund Drive (Ugly Man on Campus), placed high in the blood drive, and had the largest number
of fraternity skaters at the roller skating fund drive for Muscular Dystrophy at Walker Arena.
Pease on TV.
On Friday, August 4, psychology professor Victor Pease was featured on a TV
talk show on CBS-TV in a seminar on the management of stress held by the School of
Management's Management Institute. This TV show featured David Culhane interviewing
Pease and several executives who were attending the seminar to gain practical knowledge about
stress, and to learn techniques by which they could minimize nonproductive stress, tension, and
anxiety. Executives from such major corporations as Corning Glass, US Steel, Niagara
Mohawk, and IBM have attended these seminars.
SWE Best.
For the second consecutive year, the activities of CCT's student section of the
Society of Women Engineers (SWE) resulted in its being recognized as the best section in the
United States. This 100-member group also was named best in the northeast region which
extends from Maine through Maryland, a distinction it had achieved in each of the past four
These awards were based on the members' efforts to promote engineering as a career for
women. Four engineering students, Kay Bonney, Linda Grace, Lise Scheuch, and Tracy
Stigers, traveled to Atlanta, Ga., in the summer for both the SWE student conference at Georgia
Tech and the national SWE convention. They returned with a plaque commemorating their
section's achievement, and awards totaling $400 from Union Carbide.
Homecoming Resumed.
For the first time since football was dropped in the early 1950s,
Clarkson scheduled a fall Homecoming for October 28. Included were the traditional Varsity-
Alumni hockey game and Homecoming Banquet. Alumni from as far away as South Carolina
and as far back as 1924 visited campus to watch the varsity hockey team defeat by 6-2 the
alumni team on which such former All-Americans as Brian Shields and Steve Warr were
Biology Degree.
Fourteen biology majors became the first Clarkson students to be awarded
their BS degrees in biology at Commencement in May.
Beta Gamma Sigma Honorary.
Dean Jerome Zoffer, Pittsburgh University, visited campus on
April 10 to install the Clarkson chapter of this national business honorary fraternity. Founded in