A Clarkson Mosaic - page 430

Bed Race.
Elm Street late in September saw Potsdam's answer to the Kentucky Derby: the
Annual Bed Race for the benefit of the Canton-Potsdam Hospital emergency room. Racing
around a course encompassing the block bounded by Elm, Market, Main, and Union Streets,
pajama-clad riders were pushed by their teammates on converted dormitory beds. Over 20
teams participated in the event, raising a total of about $1,200 for the hospital.
More than just college teams participated. The field contained teams from Circle K,
Lions Club, Rotary, Key Club of Norwood/Norfolk High School, and even a team from the
hospital itself. Representing Clarkson were beds from Theta Xi, Crow, Delta Sig, TDK, BT,
OPiO, Sig, Theta Chi, and from State were beds from Ago and Zeta. Although several of the
teams did not finish, and some of the individual heat winners never returned for the finals, both
the contestants and the bystanders enjoyed the spectacle.
One of the highlights of the race occurred when the bed pushed by Theta Chi literally
fell apart yards from the finish line. Riding on only two wheels, one of which had lost its tire,
the bed managed to cross the finish line to a large round of applause from the amused crowd of
Who's Who.
Forty-four Clarkson students were included in the
Who's Who Among Students in
American Universities and Colleges
for 1982. Along with students from 1,300 institutions in
the United States and several foreign countries, these 44 students were selected for their
academic achievements, service to the community, leadership in extracurricular activities, and
future potential. Clarkson's selections were:
Geoffrey Akiki, Richard Allen, Jeffrey Amell, Michael Brigandi, Janet Cillis, William
Collins, Scott Cook, Douglas Davis, Ronald Demcko, Melanie DeParis, David Dorn, Stephen
Druschel, Walter Duffy, Richard Gariepy, Fred Goebel, Edward Hensel Jr., Scott Howe,
William Jarvis, Donna Kenney, Michael Keough, Georgina Keresty, Barry Kilinski, Timothy
Lindert, Stephen Lorenz, Carolyn McGee, Paul McLaughlin, Bonnie Messerich, Peter
Mielzynski, Laura Muller, Karen Murtagh, Lynn Norton, Patrick O'Hara, Gary Peters, Paul
Philleo, Michelle Prudhomme, George Richards, Scott Rois, Diane Sciaruto, Gregory Smith,
Jeffrey Stec, Keith Vennel, Steven Young, Thomas Zdanowski, and David Zenger.
Soccer All-American.
Ali Ouarzeddini, a Clarkson senior from Algiers, was named to the
1981 National Soccer Coaches of America's All-American Soccer Team. Selected for his
outstanding contribution to the Golden Knights in the particularly grueling position of
midfielder, Ali was cited by Brian Chaffin, Clarkson coach, as "one of the finest players named
to the All-American team this year." He also was voted Most Outstanding Player at the
University of Rochester tournament which Clarkson won.
Wrestling Champs.
Four Clarkson wrestlers returned from the ICAC tournament with
championships: Brett Cook (118), Craig Lewis (126), Todd Read (150), and Scott Cook (158).
Two weeks later, these four travelled to Cortland for the National Division III tournament. Two
of them returned as All-Americans: Craig Lewis and Todd Read. Including all his tournament
matches, Lewis compiled an impressive 11-0 record for the year.
Two Professors Died.
R. Gerald Bradshaw, associate professor and executive officer of the
math department, died on August 21 of heart complications at age 64. A native of Chateaguay,
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