On Armistice Day, November 11, Clarkson met St. Lawrence on Week's Athletic Field
in Canton in the first game between the two schools in 16 years. The Larries won 34-0. Sheard
of St. Lawrence defeated Clarkson almost single-handed: he carried the ball or passed it on 32
of their 38 plays during the game. Clarkson lost the final game of the season on November 20 at
Rochester by a score of 26-7.
On December 8, the students requested that weekly convocations be resumed,
for they believed that such programs would aid school spirit. These convocations had been
discontinued during the SATC program in 1918.
Register Entries.
In January 1920, page after page of the Tech Register maintained at Weston's
bookstore listed signature after signature, followed by the time of day the man had entered the
store. Interspersed with those names were announcements of basketball games upcoming,