Alabama. He told President Brooks that he expected the cast to be off his leg by mid-March. He
arrived to deliver Clarkson's Commencement address on May 27.
In his address to students in the fall, Dr. Thomas announced the change of the freshman-
sophomore tank rush to a pushball game, for he felt that it was far less dangerous than the tank
rush. History proved him wrong, for over the years, more students were injured in the pushball
game than ever in the tank rush.
Pushball Game.
On Monday afternoon, October 16, the first pushball game took place on Snell
Field between freshmen and sophomores. Each class picked 25 of their best men who lined up
on the 35-yard lines. The huge ball, six feet in diameter, was rolled to the center of the field,
and at a signal from the referees, Coaches Dwyer and Hodge, the contest began. For each of the
four eight-minute periods, the ball was worked back and forth across the field—sometimes on
the ground, sometimes in the air. The sophomores seemed to have an edge, and three times
were successful in gradually working the ball across the freshman goal for four points per goal.
The many students who carried away bruises and abrasions wondered if Dr. Thomas
had been correct in assuming that pushball was less dangerous than the tank rush. Five days
later, the seniors and juniors tried their hand at the same game, and because of the recent
experience of the freshmen and sophomores, this game was played with more rules, so that
fewer injuries resulted in the juniors' defeat of the seniors.
Hepburn House.
Mr. Archibald J. Matthews presented to Clarkson his residence at 71
Pierrepont Avenue as the residence for Clarkson presidents. Built on two acres of ground in
1926 from a Georgian Colonial design by August Sundberg, an architect from New Rochelle,
Hepburn House is faced with varicolored tapestry pressed brick especially made in
Clearfield, Penn. It has 14 rooms, four baths, and a heated garage.
Matthews asked that it be called Hepburn House in honor of his wife and her deceased
parents, Hawley S. and Amelia Hepburn, onetime residents of Colton. An English teacher in
New York City for 25 years before his retirement in 1925, Matthews had married Mabelle
Hepburn, niece of A. Barton Hepburn, the banker and philanthropist. He lived in this home
until 1933.
During his years of residence there, Mr. Matthews made possible the education of at
least nine Clarkson men by taking them into his house and providing them with room, board,
and tuition, and gave untold help to a large number of men who didn't live there.
Freshman Hockey Team.
A freshman hockey team was organized for the first time and joined
the International Amateur League.
Pep Rally.
On the Friday evening before the St. Lawrence game, Tech students held their
annual Pajama Parade and Bonfire. Gathering in front of Old Main at 7 p.m. the students were
led by the band on a snake dance through the main streets of town singing songs, giving cheers
at every street corner, and yelling, "Beat St. Lawrence." After an hour or so of this chilly
activity, they marched in order of class to the Clarkson estate for the big bonfire prepared by the
freshmen earlier in the day. There they were led by Clarkson cheerleader Bill Boyer in every
cheer that Clarkson has ever known. As the fire died down, so did the enthusiasm, and the
crowd dispersed, only to regather downtown and repeat the parade through town.