Regulations concerning the size and shape of athletic numerals and letters were enforced
strictly by the Athletic Council. Major sports insignia consisted of the following:
Football: a block "C" - 8" high by 6" wide by 1 1/2" thick Basketball: a block "C" - 6"
high by 8" wide by 1 1/4" thick Baseball: a "C" -- 6" square by 1 1/4" thick Hockey: an Old
English "C" - 6" by 6"
The managers of Varsity Football, Basketball, Baseball, and Hockey shall be awarded
corresponding insignia with a gold bar underneath the insignia.
Numerals, black figures three inches high, were awarded to sophomores and freshmen
who competed in a class game or made a point in the underclass track meet; managers of these
class teams also were awarded
Cheer and song leaders' insignia were a gold "C" on a green background worn on a
white sweater. This green background was a rectangle 4" high by 6" wide; the "C" was a block
5" wide by 3" high, and 3/4" thick.
Athletic Director.
Pete Dwyer, assistant football coach to Vic Hanson, Syracuse University,
signed a five-year contract to become Clarkson's athletic director. A 1913 graduate of Notre
Dame University where he played football for three years, he went on to coach at Davidson
College during World War I, and at Niagara University where he turned out several conference
championships after the formation of the "Little Ten." In 1929 he went to Syracuse for two
years before accepting Clarkson's offer. He stayed with Clarkson for 13 years, resigning in
1943 because the wartime restrictions on sports led him to believe that he was not earning his
salary, and because a change in climate would probably aid his ailing wife.
Pete is considered largely responsible for the construction of the hockey arena, and for
establishing and maintaining the high caliber of the teams that represent the College. Under his
regime, Clarkson teams of "fighting engineers" earned the respect of the big "name" colleges
who faced off against them: Dartmouth, Cornell, BU, Colgate, Yale, Harvard, Syracuse, to
name but a few.
Ice Carnival.
The idea for an Ice Carnival in the 1930 winter had been conceived jointly by
Murray Walker, treasurer of J.R. Weston. Inc., who was also the director of the Clarkson
Hockey Association, and Eunice Badger of the State Normal faculty. Created to promote a
united spirit of festivity between the two colleges, it has served as a prime example of a
cooperative effort toward a common goal, and has been the top social function of the academic
year for both schools.
Unfortunately in 1930, warm weather forced postponement of the carnival until the next
year. Then, on Saturday, February 7, 1931, on the rink in Ives Park that had been built by the
Class of 1931 when they were freshmen, this first carnival was held. A local affair of one
evening's duration, it included a grand parade which featured prizes for the best costumes,
speed races, a hockey game between two teams of girls from Normal, and a dance afterward at
the Potsdam Club [now the Elks Club on Elm Street]. Students and faculty of both colleges
participated. Mary Lenney won first honors for the most appropriate skating costume for
women and Prof. Wilmer Trauger for men.
Then, with the construction of the arena in 1939, and people being sheltered from the
snow and wintry blasts of rain and sleet, the carnival became protected from the vagaries of
Mother Nature. In 1942, the addition of the Ben Swartwout Memorial Trophy (See 1942) for
the best all-around statue gave Ice Carnival a year-round reminder of Carnival competition.