beat Hamilton by a score of 31-0, RPI by 18-0, Buffalo by 41-0, and St. Michael's by 7-6. That
same winning team defeated Middlebury 39-6 on the Saturday before the St. Lawrence game.
Three of the team members were checking out the movie theater in Middlebury that
night when someone spotted a skunk strolling past an open theater door. With a few well-
placed shots of some nearby stones, the team managed to scare the skunk into the theater.
Shortly thereafter, the audience came out of the theater faster than the skunk had strolled in.
Hockey Upset.
An account in the United Press described a hockey upset that ranked for
dramatic suddenness with David's one-round knockout of Goliath. To battle powerful Yale in
New Haven, Clarkson sent a small squad that had been handicapped by lack of practice due to
the absence of home ice most of the season. Yale, on the other hand, defeated only twice in
three years, had been working out regularly on its indoor arena, and had been in competition
with some of the best hockey teams in the east. That night, "Little Clarkson Tech" won over
Yale's powerful hockey team by a score of 4-3.
Ice Carnival Royalty.
A new feature of Ice Carnival in 1932 was the election of carnival
royalty: a king from Clarkson and a queen from Potsdam Normal. To help raise money for the
carnival, this election was conducted by voters putting a penny in a jar labeled with the
candidate's name: one penny/one vote. The five candidates receiving the highest votes then
moved onto the final ballots for a second vote. Both the king and queen winners had to be able
to skate, or they were eliminated from the running. Bill Steeves and Charlotte Parker became
the first Ice Carnival monarchs.
The Carnival opened with the crowning of the king and queen, which was followed by a
grand parade of costumed skaters on the ice. Students from both schools were expected to be
costumed, and those with the most appropriate costume were awarded prizes. Other events
included potato races and obstacle races for men, women, and couples, a drill by the Normal
girls hockey team, and an exhibition by a professional skater. Following the ice events, a dance
was held in the gym from 9:30 to 11:30.
Junior Prom.
This event was considered to be the outstanding social event of the year. Held on
February 12 in the gym from 8:30 p.m. to 1:30 a.m., this dance featured the orchestra of Paul
Tremaine and his Columbia Broadcasting Orchestra composed of 15 Columbia and Warner
Brothers Vitaphone Artists. The decorations consisted of a false ceiling done in black and
orange crepe, and an attractive centerpiece with appropriate lighting. Balloons, noisemakers,
and other small favors added to the general merrymaking. Traditional prom "refreshments"
were served to revive the dancers between numbers. For those who wished merely to listen to
the music, seats in the balcony were provided at a cost of 50 cents.
President Rowe Resigned.
In June 1932, Joseph Rowe resigned after serving as president of
Clarkson for four years. In his resignation, he wrote that he expected to vacation in the
mountains of Maryland, and then to spend a year studying international relations at the Walter
Hines Page School of International Relations at Johns Hopkins University. He was followed as
president by John Pascal Brooks who had served as Clarkson's president for 17 years between
1911 and 1928. Dr. Brooks agreed to serve until a suitable replacement could be found.