Lincoln Tunnel was opened under the Hudson River. The Golden Gate Bridge was dedicated in
San Francisco, and two hundred thousand pedestrians crossed it on its opening day in May.
The dirigible Hindenburg exploded on landing at Lakehurst, N.J. Joe Louis became
heavyweight champion. President Roosevelt dedicated the Booneville Dam on the Columbia
River, Oregon. DuPont patented a new thread, nylon. The 25 millionth Ford was driven off the
assembly line in January. Lou Gehrig tested in Hollywood for the movie role of Tarzan. Rogers
and Hart's Musical,
Babes in Arms,
featured such songs as
My Funny Valentine
The Lady
is a Tramp
. Margaret Mitchell won the Pulitzer Prize for
Gone With The Wind.
Movie star
Jean Harlow died at age 26. Millionaire Andrew Mellon donated his $19 million art collection
to the people of the United States, along with a $9 million National Gallery to house it and a
to maintain it. Movies included
Lost Horizons, Captains Courageous, Snow White and the
Seven Dwarfs
, and
•Ice Carnival Expanded
Who's Who
•Faculty Changes
•Chi Tau Sigma
•Freshmen Pledging Rules
•Cum Laude Members
•Dean's List
•Second Generation at CCT
•Clarkson Colors
•Pre-game Bonfire
•Summer Session
•Weston Trophy
•Class Accomplishments
•Minor Sports Letters
•Senior Poll Winners
•Pilon Killed
•Junior Prom
•Pilon Award
•Rifle Match by Mail
•Interfraternity Ball
•Lab Explosion
•Chrysler Post for Thomas
•Clarkson Guard Formed
•ME Field Trip
Ice Carnival Expanded.
Ice Carnival was expanded to three days to include a Carnival Night
Skating party at 7:45 on Thursday evening. Friday's Student Night included group stunts, open
racing, and the Collegiate Derby. On Saturday afternoon, ski races were held along with a
basketball game between Clarkson and Cortland Normal. At 7:30 the Minto Club presented
Around the World Cruise,
followed at 9:30 by the Ice Carnival Ball in the Civic Center at
which Mary Hugley was crowned Ice Carnival Queen and Bill Fiesinger, King.
For the 1936-37 season, warm weather in January removed all the ice from the hockey
rink canceling a game against Queen's University, newly admitted to the International
Intercollegiate League. After a trip to Princeton, the Golden Knights returned to find that games
against Boston College and Lake Placid had been cancelled, and replaced by a game against St.
Patrick's College (Ottawa), which Clarkson won 6-1.
Earlier, Clarkson had played three games against Harvard in the Lake Placid College
Week Series and because of the lack of reserves, had lost three close games to the Crimson. In
the first game, Clarkson lost its 5-2 lead in the last period through careless defense and