A Clarkson Mosaic - page 303

New Fraternity.
On April 28, local fraternity Phi Delta became a chapter of the international
fraternity, Tau Kappa Epsilon, at a service attended by members of the RPI TKE chapter and
the Grand Chaplain of the organization.
Their first winter in their new home at 74 Elm Street was marred by a return to campus
from Christmas break to find frozen pipes and broken radiators. The following spring, they
purchased the house, and to prevent a repetition of the previous disasters, conducted a general
renovation, which included the installation of a new heating system, new wiring, and new
LS and MA Degrees.
In June, among the 279 bachelor's degrees, were the first BS degrees
awarded to majors in liberal studies and mathematics; 37 master's degrees also were awarded.
DU Adopted Orphan.
In place of the young Korean girl whom Delta Upsilon fraternity
"adopted" a few years earlier, but who no longer needed the financial help, the fraternity
financially "adopted" Le Van Luyen, a 14-year-old Vietnamese boy, through the Foster Parent's
Plan. DU promised to contribute $15 monthly for the child's support for at least one year. This
was the fourth such needy child that the fraternity has supported financially over the years.
Knight Sign.
In January, the Golden Knight armor lost its head. A close examination of that
suit of armor revealed that its helmet was missing from its display case in Lewis House. For a
while, no one could fathom what had happened. Then, the helmet miraculously appeared at
State, cradled in the arms of the statute of Minerva. Soon thereafter, the other peculiar events
began to happen. The St. Lawrence "Office of Admissions" sign suddenly appeared on the sled
decorating the Lewis House front lawn. As if by magic, Clarkson's "Snell Field" sign
mysteriously disappeared only to surface shortly thereafter on the St. Lawrence campus.
Naturally, "officials" assumed that the Golden Knight had gotten bored in his glass case
and had "broken out." After stopping off at the T&R for a few beers, he must have taken the
Snell Field sign to St. Lawrence, and have brought back the Admissions sign. Next he must
have journeyed to State, and while there, have lost his head, for he returned to Lewis House
without it.
Both helmet and suit of armor were united, and Lewis House officials decided that the
explanation lay in the common knowledge that most Golden Knights in fact
"lose their
heads" while at State.
"Huddy" Died.
Professor Ross Hudson ("Huddy") died unexpectedly at his home on January
15 of a heart attack. Born in Clayton, he had received his Clarkson degree in electrical
engineering in 1918. After teaching at both Yale and Carnegie Tech, Huddy joined the
Clarkson faculty in 1921, eventually becoming an associate professor of civil engineering.
His deep interest in students was proved by his volunteering to become the advisor to
, and by his willingness to help anyone who sought his assistance. His lectures
frequently concerned such topics as morals, ethics, and enthusiasm. To him, those topics were
just as important as the material in the textbooks, for without knowledge of both, the graduate
could not succeed.
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