and conduct. The Roman Catholic's student program also sponsored a 13-week course in
philosophy open to all students, and held in Snell Hall Auditorium on Wednesday evenings.
Equal Tuition.
Effective in fall 1962, tuition for all Clarkson students became equal-$1,300
per year. In the past, business administration students had been paying about $150 less in
tuition. In comparison, other 1961-62 tuitions reveal Clarkson still was low: Case, $1,400;
Cornell, $1,500 (5-year plan); MIT, $1,500; RPI, $1,400 but was raised to $1,600 for 1962-63.
Scholastic Trends.
Statistics for the fall of 1961 revealed that academic achievement stayed
about the same as previous years as noted below:
Dean's List
Senior - '62 47 15%
19 6%
Junior - '63 40 12% .
48 14%
Soph - '64
54 7.3%
71 18%
Fresh - '65
53 10%
139 28%
34 7%
Gibbons Phalanx Award.
Garry Morrow '63 was the first winner of the Gibbons Phalanx
Award. This award honored Jerry Gibbons '61, who had been killed in an automobile accident
shortly after his graduation. He had been extremely active in extracurricular activities.
Placement Statistics.
In May, the Placement Office reported that 91% of the seniors had
received at least one job offer during the year. One hundred and ninety-four companies held
interviews on campus; an average of 12 interviews were taken by each senior. Further
breakdown of the figures revealed that 64% of the seniors would enter industry, 12% would
embark on civil service jobs, 17% would begin graduate school, and 7% would join the
military. EE's top the list with salaries averaging $6,873, and BA's lowest with $5,995.
Inter-College Radio Network.
Uniting two radio stations, WNTC and WCCT, Clarkson's
network was one of the few such organizations in the country. Although both stations were
owned by Clarkson and were located on the Clarkson campus, they were operated jointly by
students from Clarkson and State University College as a recognized activity of their respective
student governments. More than eight miles of interconnecting radio lines linked the Clarkson
village campus and the State University campus, including special remote lines in the Clarkson
hockey arena and gymnasium, and the auditorium, gymnasium, and Crane Hall at State. One
unique feature was the ICRN Newsroom, located in Lewis House, which provided a direct
United Press International news link with all three stations.
Golden Knight Award.
Established by the Clarkson Alumni Council on the strong
recommendation of Bill Fiesinger, alumni director, this award recognized outstanding
individuals who presented to the public a representative picture of Clarkson College. The
Golden Knight Award was to be presented to alumni for
a) Outstanding service to the College through alumni association activity, and
b) For outstanding achievement by an alumnus/a in his/her chosen field of endeavor
bringing distinction to him/herself and to Clarkson College.
The award consisted of a specially cast six-inch "Golden Knight" trophy lettered
"Clarkson Tech Alumni Association Distinguished Service Award." Nominations were to be