New Walkway.
The old and crumbling concrete walkway in front of Snell Hall was replaced
with thousands of Unilock paving stones. New sidewalks extending across the lawn also added
to the charm of the new walk areas.
Varsity Ski Team.
Clarkson's ski team enjoyed a successful year by winning three meets,
placing second in the fourth, and third in the fifth of their meets. All five were attended by at
least 10 other teams. The Nordic Squad of Chuck Hull, Greg Mapstone, Dag Rappen, Bob
Witkowski, and Mark Yamrick were able to place at least three skiers in the top 10 of every
The Alpine Squad of John Ahlman, Marty Bates, Kurt Dahm, Dave Darby, and Bill
Stevens showed similar results in the giant slalom. Clarkson qualified for the Division II
championship and captured third place. In addition, Chuck Hull and Dave Darby qualified for
Division I championship competition.
"Tuck In."
Remembering the simple days of life when Mom and Dad tucked children in and
read them bedtime stories at night, the members of Alpha Chi Rho and State's Gamma Sigma
Sigma offered to provide students from both campuses with a standard "tuck in" and a short
bedtime story for a dollar to raise money for charity. A good night kiss was 50 cents extra.
Because of its enormous popularity, the "tuckers" were kept busy. By the time the four-night
event ended, more than $500 had been raised for the Special Olympics and Watertown's
Alcohol Rehabilitation Program.
For the fourth consecutive year, Clarkson's student phonathon raised more than
$100,000 in pledges. Contacting 3,629 alumni, 500 student volunteers raised a record-breaking
total of $156,470, an increase of 13% over the previous year. Don Napier '84, student
phonathon chairman, attributed the success to the staff of the Clarkson Fund office, and to the
student volunteers who staffed the telephones almost every evening. The Air Force ROTC set
an all-time record by raising $17,308, with the Clarkson Ambassadors coming in second with
$12,850. Moore House was first for the dormitories by raising $12,315, Phi Sigma Sigma for
sororities with $9,142, and Theta Chi for fraternities with $7,125.
The student phoners benefitted from this experience, also, by talking to alumni who
frequently counseled them about their careers. Many commented about the excellent tips they
received concerning career opportunities and summer employment.
Women's Lacrosse.
On April 14 and 15, the Clarkson women's lacrosse team showed its
power and scoring abilities. First they defeated RPI easily by 15-3. The scoring was led by
Cathy Champion-Demers and Lisa Hyatt with five goals apiece. Coming out strong on the next
day, the Lady Knights defeated Quebec 20-2 with Hyatt leading the offense by scoring nine
goals. Subsequently, they lost to St. Lawrence 6-1, to Wells 11-7, and to Rochester 8-5.
Greek Recognition Policy.
After a scrutiny of the fraternity situation on campus, an
ad hoc
committee recommended to President Plane that the IFC be dissolved and its powers be
allocated to a new Student Life Committee, with the dean of student life becoming the campus
watchdog for it. That recommendation was never implemented, and the IFC and Pan-Hellenic
Council remained, but a new Recognition Policy mandated certain requirements to be met by