spills, students sending homework to professors over the campus network, a scholar
workstation that had access to books and journals from 6,500 libraries around the world, and a
student who hooked up his exercise bicycle to a computer so that, as he pedaled, he could see
scenery passing across the monitor.
Co-produced by WITF in Harrisburg, Penn., and KCSM in San Mateo, Calif., this
program was the only national television series aimed at computer users, and was shown on 205
public broadcasting stations across the country during the week of April 2.
Circle K Awards.
Clarkson's Circle K Club returned to campus early in April with nine of the
15 awards presented at the New York District Convention in Binghamton. One of 24 clubs in
the district, Clarkson's Circle K Club is a collegiate service organization dedicated to serving
the community and developing the leadership potential of its members.
Clarkson took the Club Reporting Award, the Scrapbook Award, the Publicity Award,
the K-family Award, the Service Hours Award, the Total Achievement Award, and the
Honorable Mention for the Single Service Project Award.
Clarkson Circle K Immediate Past President Richard Blitz returned from the convention
with a number of personal honors including the Distinguished Club President's Award,
induction into the Society of Distinguished Collegians, election to the post of 1990-91 New
York District administrative secretary, and the John R. Jack Outstanding Circle K'er Award, an
award for dedicated service which is given once annually to only one out of 500 Circle K'ers in
New York state.
This local Circle Club was sponsored by the Kiwanis Club of Norwood.
"Fraternity Row."
With Potsdam zoning allowing fewer and fewer new group dwellings,
fraternities and sororities faced a dilemma. They either could build outside the village limits or
not at all. Dean Michael Cooper offered a proposal to those fraternities and sororities who did
not have a house already or who were interested in building a new one. Clarkson land west of
Cheel Center on the undeveloped portions of the campus might be designated as a "fraternity
row," with access by a road from Route 11 just past the tennis courts.
He saw this proposal as a benefit to the students because the plan would appease the
town, and would benefit the students with the coming of CAMP and the shift of more and more
classes to the hill campus. He felt there was room for 14 houses. [Nothing more has been done
with this idea.]
Résumé Software.
Using a computer program designed by the Professional Resources Center
in Kansas City, the Career Development Office simplified the résumé process both for the
students and for their own office. Each senior received a computer disk containing the program,
and then attended a meeting in which it was explained. This program allowed the student to
plug appropriate data into the form and thereby create a résumé which companies could read
and utilize efficiently.
Storing these résumés in the computer eliminated the need to file printed copies, and
allowed them to be printed, sorted, and sent out electronically. Companies receiving them
electronically, by disk, or by hard copy, offered the students broader opportunities.
Loan Default Rate.
According to figures on a list released by the US Department of Education,
Clarkson has one of the lowest student loan default rates in New York state for the second year