orchestrated a contest for a new Alma Mater. Setting a deadline of April 1, 1979, for the entries,
he appointed a committee to screen the entries and make recommendations to the Alumni
Association of Governors. It was composed of Dick Cook, director of alumni relations; Al
Rothermel, Alumni Association vice president; Bill McDonald, director of college relations;
and Barbara Johnson, senior. The winning lyrics were written by Robert Smith ’37 of Canton, a
brother-in-law of Gordon Lindsey, longtime Clarkson professor of mathematics, who also
served as registrar and as dean of men; the winning music by Guy “Chip” Lamson, husband of
Randy Lamson, director of student activities. It is the one currently in use.
Awarded at the June Commencement were 14 BS degrees including two in
Home Economics, three two-year certificates, and four one-year certificates.
Freshmen Rules.
Each class published “proclamations” which set forth special rules of
“behavior” with interesting punishments for violations. For example, one freshman received a
little spanking for talking to a young lady on the street, while another lost his “pumps” (shoes)
because freshmen were prohibited from wearing that style. All sophomores had to have their
sideburns removed by September 21, or they would be removed by the upperclassmen “free of
charge”. Rivalry between the freshmen and sophomore classes continued apace with such
traditions as the tank rush and the cane rush. A notice in the Tech Register described the tank
rush (See 1931)…in highly imaginative terms:
Nightly courses are being given in Practical Physics. The subject seems popular with all hands, especially that portion
in regard to the bodies held in a state of immersion, submersion, or inversion. Also courses in seamanship, deep water sailing,
and navigation.
Chapel Rush.
After the first chapel of the fall semester
The Clarkson Monitor
decried the dangers of the chapel rush between freshmen and sophomores. It took place after
the faculty and upperclassmen had departed from daily chapel in Old Main. The freshmen
would rush the sophomores who were firmly ensconced in the chapel doorway to prevent the
freshmen from leaving. The
worried about someone getting killed because classes
were increasing in size, and the chapel stairs were not directly in front of the chapel door. It
expressed concern that sooner or later, when the sophomores’ line of defense was broken, the
rush of the students was certain to carry someone over the railing instead of down the stairs. In
1906 after a near-serious accident, the school officials stopped this dangerous practice.
Inasmuch as the world needs all the Clarkson Men the Tech. can put forth, we decided to abolish the chapel rush and
to substitute the cane rush in its place.
Freshmen Banquet.
The Freshmen held a banquet each fall, and did their best to keep the
sophomores from finding out when and where for fear of “interference”: tying up the freshmen
with rope, kidnapping them, or forcing attempts to invade the affairs. (See 1920).
Chemistry I.
Required of all students in 1906, Chem I focused on the fundamental principles
of the science including the study of nonmetallic and metallic elements, with particular
attention to their recent industrial and commercial relations. Discussions of recent
developments in chemical theory and practice served to keep the students in touch with the
rapid advances of modern chemistry.