William H. Taft was elected president, defeating Theodore Roosevelt. New York's first
"skyscraper," the 47-story Singer building, was erected. The National Commission for the
Conservation of Natural Resources was organized. Wilbur Wright set a duration record of one
hour, 31 minutes, and 25 seconds in a 61-mile airplane flight. Henry Ford introduced his
Model T automobile. The first tuberculosis Christmas Seal campaign raised $135,000. A
subway opened linking Brooklyn and Manhattan. New York City's Sullivan law forbade women
from smoking in public places. Winston Churchill was elected to the House of Commons. At the
Olympics in London, a South African won the 100-meter dash in 10.8 seconds. William C.
Durant organized an automobile corporation called General Motors, combining the Buick and
Olds companies. Postage between England and the US rose to two cents.
• Clarkson Life • Academic Credit
• Clarkson Monitor • Degrees
• Senior Ball • Field Day Changes
Clarkson Life.
The calendar of events for the year revealed clearly the social life at Clarkson.
January 10: Clarkson Tech Orchestra Musicale at 8 o'clock in the Assembly Hall
March 14: Charter Day exercises in the evening under the auspices of the Clarkson
Engineering Assembly (usually held March 19)
June 7: Baccalaureate service at 2:30 in Chapel Hall
June 9: Second Annual Assembly Concert of the Clarkson Tech Orchestra and Glee Club
at 8:15 in Assembly Hall
June 10: Senior Ball held in Assembly Hall, "decorated in the most unique and artistic
fashion" by H. Van Ness
June 11: Director's Reception at 8 p.m.
June 12: Commencement exercises for 11 graduates, after which appointments for
September were announced: Lucius K. Russell, professor of Chemistry; Edwin B. Wheeler, in
the newly established chair of Physics; six seniors and three juniors to such School jobs as
tutor, assistant, librarian, musical scholarships, and one sophomore to be pianist
September 21: Clarkson Tech Musicale for the 94 students registered at Clarkson
October 15: Second Musicale