handsomely arrayed in rich green calf, with the seal of the School embossed in gold in the
center of the cover.
Academic Credit.
Credit toward graduation was given in several courses on the following
basis. One semester-hour credit was given for one lecture or recitation per week for a semester
of 18 weeks; or for a practice period of three hours per week for the same length of time. The
total work of the four years, as required for the baccalaureate degree, was equivalent to 142
semester hours.
All candidates for graduation who satisfactorily completed the regular four-year
courses of study and the examinations required, and who were recommended by the Trustees of
the School to the Regents of the University of the State of New York for the degree of Bachelor
of Science, received from the University of New York the degree of BS in the course pursued:
namely, chemical, civil, electrical, or mechanical engineering. This degree was certified by a
diploma bearing the seals and official signatures both of this institution and of the University of
the State of New York.
Field Day Changes.
Beginning with the second semester on January 27, 1908, Saturday's field
day was changed to Monday, so that all lines of practical instruction could be carried out
continuously during the morning and afternoon; that is, surveying, field practice, railroad work,
drafting, designing, shop work, and all classes in laboratory instruction, in the practice periods
of three hours, each, morning and afternoon.
All the morning lectures, recitations, and classroom work were given as usual:
between 8 a.m. to 12 o'clock, from Tuesday to Saturday inclusive, with chapel exercises being
held as usual at 9 o'clock. The arrangements for the afternoon classes remained as before:
Monday to Friday inclusive. This arrangement was expected to be more satisfactory and be
more flexible because the large classes forced much of the practice time and classroom work to
be given in double sections.