The United States Census reported a population of 122,775,046. Unemployment was growing
and over 1,300-banks were closed. President Hoover declared that prosperity was just around
the corner. The Veteran's Administration was created. The first planetarium in the US (Adler)
was opened in Chicago. Lawrence built the first cyclotron. The Englishman L. Whittle built the
first jet-engine airplane. For the first time, an American, Sinclair Lewis, was awarded the
Nobel Prize for Literature. Dr. Landsteiner received the Nobel Prize in medicine and
physiology for the discovery of human blood groups. Sonja Henie won the world amateur
singles skating championship for the fourth time at age 19. Hughes replaced the ailing Taft as
Chief Justice of the Supreme Court. Garbo spoke for the first time in movies in Anna Christie. A
New York scientist predicted that man would reach the moon by 2050. Frozen food processed
by Birdseye hit the market for the first time. Gallant Fox became the second horse to win the
Triple Crown of racing. Gershwin's Girl Crazy featuring the hit song, I Got Rhythm, opened in
New York. All Quiet On The Western Front won Oscars for best picture and director.
• Prohibition Poll • Jess Davis
• Easton, Ail-American • Alumnus Band Leader
• First Field Trip • Cornell-CCT Football
• Yearbook • CCT-SLU Rivalry
• Degrees • Class Rings
• Schedule • 25 Years of Service
• On the Hill
Prohibition Poll.
A poll conducted in April revealed that a majority of the Clarkson students
were opposed to Prohibition. Responses from 261 of the 340 Clarkson students revealed that
although 163 said they drank and 98 did not, the reverse figures occurred on the question of
getting drunk: 98 said yes and 163 said no. Only 13 favored the present prohibition, 52 favored
strict enforcement, 133 wanted modification of existing laws, and 63 voted for repeal of all
existing liquor legislation. These figures agreed closely with those in a similar poll at Colgate
where 66 percent drank and 71 percent were against prohibition.
Easton, Ail-American.
Wallace Easton '31 was selected All-American Hockey Goalie for his
outstanding work during the season's 11 victories against one loss; that one loss was to Yale 0-
4. A high-scoring victory occurred in the game against Cornell, 13-0.
During the season, Clarkson scored 58 goals, and Easton allowed only 18 goals to be
scored against it. Also on that team were "Buzz" Williams, "Peck" Donald, and "Ike"
Houston—all of whom later played professional hockey: Williams with the Detroit Red Wings
and the others with the Pittsburgh Yellowjackets. In 1954, Hank Hodge judged this as probably
the "best line ever to have represented Clarkson."
First Field Trip.
In May, the seniors took their first field trip—a trip of inspection of industrial
operations under the guidance of Professors Davis and Brundige.