A wind from my unknown goal
Stirs the strings
Of expectation.
Still the question;
Shall I ever get there?
Whether he gets there or not, of this I am sure, the pleasure of the pursuit will provide Bob Plane with
much happiness.
At that point, as he stepped back from the podium, his heart failed, and he dropped to
the floor of the Arena stage, dead.
Dr. Hans Levi, 62-year-old college physician, rushed to the stage to apply CPR, and
too, dropped dead of a heart attack. At that, a student fainted; a faculty member fainted; a
Trustee fainted; the audience gasped and sat in stunned amazement as they realized what had
happened. Members of the Potsdam Rescue Squad, already present, leapt into action to apply
CPR to the two men, but to no avail.
Board of Trustees Chairman Arthur Lewis arose and cancelled the remainder of the
ceremonies, and then asked the stunned audience to leave as quickly as possible. People
scurried to the Arena lobby. As they awaited the arrival at the front doors of the Arena of
husbands and friends with cars, they watched incredulously as the Rescue Squad members
wheeled the two sheet-draped figures past them and into the waiting ambulances in the heavy
rain outside.
Dr. Petr Zuman, Professor of Chemistry, remembered:
I grew up in Czechoslovakia and witnessed the German invasion and occupation of my country, and then
the Russian invasion and occupation of my country, and I saw a lot of horrible events. Today, however, in this
Arena, has been the most ghastly day of my life.
Graham Faculty Award.
Created by the Graham family, this award of $1,000 (currently
$1,500) is given annually to young untenured faculty to encourage their research by making
money available for equipment, supplies, computer time, and the like. Its winners are
announced at Commencement. (See Appendix III)
#1 Hockey Fan.
On his 85th birthday, H.F. "Mac" MacCarter was presented an award by Dean
A. George Davis, dean of student affairs, for being the Golden Knights' top fan. In 30 years,
"Mac" missed no more than two or three Clarkson home hockey games, and even travelled to
Denver and Boston to cheer for the team.
Pornography Blocked.
Included as part of a film and lecture program on pornography by
Gerald Damiano at the Potsdam State campus, the film
The Devil In Miss Jones
was challenged
for its educational value. Recognizing that this picture might draw huge crowds, the chairperson
of State University's Speaker's Commission restricted its showing only to State students on
January 13. After 981 State students viewed the first showing of the film, State President
Thomas Barrington refused to allow a second showing.
Clarkson CUB president, Ross Williamson, then made tentative arrangements with
producer Damiano to repeat the film and lecture on the Clarkson campus in February. When
this program was challenged, Dean Davis checked with St. Lawrence County District Attorney
William Powers, and then stated that the film could not be shown because it was not part of an