"educational program," and legal problems could ensue. In protest, three faculty members,
Richard Flechtner (sociology), Paul Lenchener (political science), and Gilbert Goodgion
(industrial management) agreed to co-sponsor the film-lecture series on the Clarkson campus.
Davis, however, refused permission because it could not be considered part of a legitimate
educational program or series, and cited lack of planning for the event.
Computer Science Option.
On April 22, President Graham approved the mathematics
department's request to include a computer science concentration within the mathematics
On top of the regular mathematics requirements, any student concentrating in computer
science would be required to take any two of five two-course sequences: Computer
Organization and Data Structures, Systems Programming and Operating Systems, Compiler
Construction (two courses), Computer Organization and Advanced Computer Design, and
Algorithms and Programming and Structure of Computer Languages.
Rangers' Blood Drive.
The Clarkson Rangers' Blood Drive broke all records with a total
donation of 980 pints of blood, topping the 1972 figure of 838 and far surpassing the 1973 goal
of 900. Winners in the dormitory and fraternity competition to donate blood were Hamlin Two
with 51% participation; Donahue Two, 77.8%; and Sigma Delta fraternity with 73%.
Then, in October, Al Drummond, chairman of the annual Blood Drive, announced that
1,199 pints of blood had been donated during the three-day drive in Lewis House. This far
surpassed the announced goal of 1,000 pints and eclipsed the previous record drive when 980
pints were collected. It was the largest ever held in the region served by Syracuse-an area
reaching from the Pennsylvania border to Canada.
In the 12 years that the Rangers were in charge of the drive, 8,924 pints were donated.
AKPsi Expelled.
Shortly after being lauded for being the top chapter in the East and for
winning an award for being the most congenial chapter, Clarkson's Delta Chi chapter of Alpha
Kappa Psi, national business fraternity, was suspended by the national for accepting women
into membership, a strict violation of the national constitution.
During the previous few years, Delta Chi chapter had maintained a "little sister"
program for women, but in 1973 under President Paul Gridley, began initiating women into full
membership; in fact, a woman, Vickie Liberty, was elected president for 1974-75. This defiance
was supported by 16 members of the management faculty; by A. George Davis, dean of student
affairs; and by the Student Senate. Its letter to national announcing the initiation of women
explained that the chapter had violated the national constitution deliberately, but that by
refusing to initiate women, they were practicing discrimination, and that was something which
in good conscience they could not do.
Six months after sending that letter, the fraternity was expelled from the national. (See
p. 463)
Thomas S. Clarkson Professor.
Milton Kerker, dean of the School of Arts and Sciences, and
member of the Clarkson chemistry faculty since 1949, was appointed the first Thomas S.
Clarkson Professor, the most distinguished professorial rank at the College. This honor allowed
the recipient to perform teaching and research in any fields of his or her choosing, and was not