Engineering Licensing Examination, a nationwide test created by the National Council of
Engineering Examiners.
Although Clarkson provided free space for the State Education Department's
Examination Bureau to administer and proctor the examination, the College did not involve
itself in the examination proper; it was proctored by local individuals who were not connected
to Clarkson in any way.
Through his 10 years of service on the New York State Engineering and Land
Surveying Licensing Board, Associate Dean of Engineering Edward T. Misiaszek '52 (CEE)
was able to convince the Department of Education that Clarkson should offer this exam on
campus beginning in 1975. It has been offered on campus every year since.
This exam set Clarkson apart, for no other campus in the State "housed" the first eight
hours of the examination on the day it was given throughout the United States. This signal
honor stemmed from two facts. First, Clarkson had a large number of students who usually sit
for this examination, and second, the location nearest to Potsdam where it was offered was
Syracuse, making unusual expenses in time and money for any Clarkson student wishing to
take it. Because this exam began at 8:00 a.m. and ended at 5:00 p.m., any student wishing to
take it would have to go to Syracuse and spend the previous night, or arise at 4:00 a.m. to drive
there. By 1994, the exam also was being given down state at the United States Military
Academy at West Point.
Ice Carnival
. The theme for 1975 was The Wonderful World of Make Believe. Different
groups entered the following skits in the cavalcade competition
(winners in italics)
Omega Delta Chi
Pandora's Box
Alpha Chi Rho
3 Musketeers (
: men)
Theta Xi, Lehman West
Robin Hood (
Phi Kappa Pi
Frog King (
: women)
Grinch Who Stole Ice Carnival
Farrisee and Friends
Alpha Kappa Phi
Alice in Wonderland (
: women)
Tau Kappa Epsilon
Sorcerer's Apprentice
Zeta Gamma Sigma, Holcroft
The Graduation Gift
Delta Lambda Nu
Yogi Bear
Tau Epsilon Phi
Aladdin and the Lamp
Alpha Delta Kappa
Sesame Street (
: women)
Sigma Delta
Three Little Pigs
Lehman East, Van Note
Winnie the Pooh
Delta Upsilon
Tau Delta Kappa
Jason and the Argonauts
Beta Tau
Peter Pan (
: men)
Bowman East-West
North Pole (
: coed)
Delta Kappa Theta
Henny Penny (
: men)
Lehman North
Chitty Chitty Bang Bang (
Delta Sigma Phi
Beany and Cecil
Zeta Nu