Pep Band Out.
The Pep Band was forbidden to play during hockey games in Vermont. In an
unprecedented move, the officials at that Vermont school adopted a policy that prohibited
visiting pep bands from playing at varsity hockey games. The band received tickets to the game
in January, along with an invitation to bring themselves, their friends, and their money, but not
their instruments.
By telephone, an official at UVM offered a number of reasons behind this decision. The
voice stated that some older ticket holders might be offended by the constant noise during the
game. It continued by saying that the noise would distract from the game itself, and closed by
citing a new league rule which prohibits noisemakers at games.
An investigation disclosed that the rule specifically called for no noisemakers during the
game, but nothing about noise being made during stoppages of the action. Pep bands played
only during stoppages, but when play resumed, the noise ceased instantly. Members of the band
planned to play until asked officially to cease. Then they would bring forth their real
noisemakers which they would blow at every opportunity, accompanied by songs and shrieks
"until our throats bleed."
On previous road trips, the hockey players commended the efforts of the pep band, often
saying that their support was like having an extra man on the ice. One band member believed
that such an analogy had more substance than UVM wished to admit.