Canadian-US Business Studies.
Begun in 1987 with grants from private sources and the
Canadian government, a Center for Canadian-US Business Studies was opened under the
jurisdiction of the School of Management. Some of that money supported the Canadian-US
Consulting Service whose goal is to help businesses find markets on both sides of the border.
Staffed by graduate business administration students and some undergraduates, its purpose is to
research the hurdles facing businesses hoping to expand on the other side of the border.
Some of the projects studied have included exporting wood from Northern New York to
Canada, looking for market niches in New York for a Canadian manufacturer of industrial
water-testing equipment, and researching the possibilities of an American firm entering Canada
with empty trucks and returning with waste oil for home heating. About 15-20 students work in
the program each year. This Center also serves as the focal point for faculty and student
research projects focusing on Canada or Canadian-US business relations.
Unusual PhD Student.
William A. Arnold, former college dropout and frequently laid-off
machinist, was awarded his doctorate at Clarkson's 100th Commencement in May. Arnold
accomplished this feat in two years and seven months, record time at Clarkson, while
maintaining a straight 4.0 average. Late in the 1970s he had enrolled in the University of
Akron, but dropped out for lack of interest before the end of his first semester, earning straight
F's for his first exposure to college work.
For the next seven years, he worked in machine shops, experiencing frequent layoffs.
Realizing the need for education, he reentered the University of Akron in 1984 "on probation."
This time he made the best of it. While still an undergraduate, he published six papers in the
field of crystal growth and astrophysics and began receiving major recognition while still a
sophomore. Upon graduation, he was given a prestigious National Aeronautic and Space
Administration Graduate Student Research Award, one of only 100 given out nationwide. This
award financed his education. Most of his time at Akron was spent working for a NASA
research consortium.
He went directly from undergraduate studies at Akron to graduate work at Clarkson, and
his record-breaking performance. Holding a pilot's license, he already had flown as a researcher
on five NASA Lear jet microgravity missions, and after receiving his Ph.D., he returned to
Ohio to earn upper-flight ratings at a flight school at Kent State University. Not surprisingly, he
applied to become a NASA mission specialist astronaut in the US Space Program.
Indian Students.
During the May Commencement exercises, four American Indian students
graduated in engineering, including a PhD (See previous entry); 28 more were expected to
enroll in fall 1993. Six received competitive scholarships ranging from $1,000 to $20,000. The
Clarkson chapter of the American Indian Science and Engineering Society was chosen second
best out of 94 in the United States.
Other Athletics.
Strong showings by the Nordic and Alpine ski teams made it possible for
Clarkson to capture the third place four-way combined team award at the United States
Collegiate Ski Association (USCSA) Nationals at Squaw Valley, Cal., on March 10-13. This
was Clarkson's 19th straight year in the playoffs, and the 31st out of 32 years that Clarkson had
participated in the Nationals.
The men's and women's swimming teams had nine team members selected for the
Upper NYS Swimming and Diving All-American Team.