Conroy's Grading Policy
. In an algebra quiz given to a freshman class by math Professor Bill
Conroy, several students made the assumption that X equals zero in order to solve the problem.
Conroy marked all such solutions wrong and wrote on the papers, "Are you God?" When
challenged about that remark, he responded, "Had they replied that they were God, I would
have marked them right."
Students at Fire
. Early morning on Friday, October 28, six business properties and apartments
on Main and Water Streets were destroyed by fire. Among the businesses destroyed were the
California Fruit Market, Riverside Hotel and Bar, and the Western Electric store along Main
Potsdam Fire Chief Holden praised Clarkson students for assisting with hose lines,
moving cars, carrying furniture from apartments, and serving coffee. He stressed that the earlier
radio reports of student interference broadcast over WPDM were totally wrong, and that for a
number of years, Clarkson students trained in fire fighting had assisted the local firemen.
Scabbard and Blade
. Similar to other honorary societies on campus, the Clarkson chapter of
the National Society of Scabbard and Blade recognized outstanding junior and senior cadet
officers of the ROTC battalion.
To be chosen for membership, a candidate must have exhibited outstanding qualities of
character and leadership while simultaneously maintaining a high academic average both in his
major course of study and in Military Science.
Some of its highlights of the year included collecting, repairing, and distributing toys
annually at Christmas to Potsdam's underprivileged children. They also escorted junior cadets
on a field trip to the Royal Military College in Kingston, Ontario, and competed in rifle
matches against other companies of Scabbard and Blade.
Its 1960 officers were Porter Barrows, Capt; W. Garner McNett, 1st Lt.; Robert Holton,
2nd Lt.; and Rodney Lowe, Sgt.
Student Wives
. Beginning in Potsdam in 1950, this social organization consisted of wives of
Clarkson and Potsdam State students. Meeting the second and fourth week of every month,
these women discussed situations common to them all, and gathered to broaden their
This year the 140 members put on a Talent Show, Fashion Show, Christmas Party,
white elephant sale, and panel discussions. In May, a graduation tea was held at which
"diplomas" were presented to the Senior wives.