small groups, each of which acted as a management team of a business organization. Each team
was given information regarding the past history of its company, and by following "Rules of the
Game," these companies competed with each other to achieve company goals. Each team made
all major decisions concerning such interrelated and interarching factors as prices, advertising
budgets, placement, research and development expenditures, transportation, inventory levels,
market and cost research, public relations, plant expansion and contraction, production levels,
capital financing, personnel and labor relations, and distribution of the profits.
During the periods of operation, participants received information about competing
firms and the economy as well as about their own firm. Then, a post-simulation critique
emphasized the reasons for the varying degrees of success among competing firms in achieving
the objectives they themselves established.
To accommodate this new approach, Clarkson renovated portions of third floor
classrooms in Snell Hall. There, to play this "game," students worked in one of Four "company"
rooms, 11 by 18 feet, and each furnished with eight individual tables 2 by 3 feet. Adjoining
each meeting room was an observation room equipped with a 2- by 7-foot pane of "one-way"
glass through which game administrators could view the companies in action. Adjacent to them
all was a game administrator's control room which served as a communication and computation
center. A nearby classroom accommodated all the players for briefing, critiquing, and
debriefing sessions.
New Faces on Campus
. Adger Johnson became Board Chairman on the death of Blythe
Reynolds, for whom the dormitory is named. Donald Rosenthal joined the faculty in chemistry,
and Gordon Batson in civil engineering.
Radio Feud.
In May, the Student Council granted permission for a second campus radio station
to continue to operate. WCCT had requested permission from the Council to broadcast
throughout the dorms, to carry no advertising, but to have a free hand in sports coverage; it also
was granted permission to carry rebroadcasts from WEAV in Plattsburgh. Such permission was
granted over serious and heated objections of WNTC, the Clarkson-Potsdam State station.
These two settled their differences a year later when the Inter-College Radio Network was
formed, and both stations remained on the air.
Joe Bushey Accepted.
Ken Nourse, director of admissions, officially invited Joseph Bushey to
become a member of the entering class in fall 1961. Sending the letter to Bushey at 1965
Clarkson Avenue, Potsdam, N.Y., Nourse told Bushey that despite his being recommended
highly for admission by a certain Thomas S. Clarkson, his acceptance was conditional upon
successful completion of the courses he currently was taking. The story made front-page
headlines in the freshman issue of the
in fall of 1961. (See Appendix I)
Liberal Studies Degree.
Beginning in September, Clarkson offered a degree of bachelor of
science with a major in liberal studies. Under the direction of Dr. Donald Stillman, the man
who began the liberal studies department at Clarkson in 1949, this program was taught by the
17 faculty in the department. The general requirements for the degree called for six hours of
communications, 18 hours of science and mathematics, 12 hours in the humanities, nine in the
social sciences, and four in physical education or military science. In addition, the student had
to complete concentration requirements which included 24 hours in liberal studies and a major